HSD Board of Trustees Respond to Bill #64

On March 15, 2021, the provincial government issued tentative plans under Bill #64 (Education Modernization Act) for significant changes to the Manitoba school system. As outlined on the government’s newly launched Better Education website, Bill #64 is a response to the K-12 Education Review. Although we affirm the work of the K-12 Commission members and agree that improvements to the K-12 education system are needed, the Board of Trustees is deeply concerned that…

in: Board of Trustees

Board Appoints Chair and Vice Chair

The Board of Trustees has appointed Mr. Ron Falk as Board Chair and Mr. Rick Peters as Board Vice Chair for the upcoming 2020-21 school year. As voted on by trustees, the annual appointments are for a term of one year and are effective immediately. Ron Falk was first elected as a school trustee in 1992 and served as Board Chair for 11 years, from 2002-08 and 2014-19. Ron served as…

in: Board of Trustees News Releases

HSD Board Meeting – Live Stream

The Public Board Meeting scheduled for 7:30pm on Tuesday, June 2 will take place at the HSD Administration Office, but for reasons of social distancing and public health, the boardroom will be closed to all visitors. To ensure all have access to the meeting, we will be broadcasting the meeting as a live event on our YouTube Channel.

in: Board of Trustees

HSD Appoints Interim Superintendent/CEO

The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Shelley Amos to the position of interim Superintendent/CEO of Hanover School Division, following the retirement of Randy Dueck at the end of this school year. Mrs. Amos brings 26 years of administrative and instructional experience to her new appointment, having most recently served as…

in: Board of Trustees Hiring Announcements

Board Approves the 2020-21 Budget

Steinbach, MB. March 3, 2020 – The HSD Board of Trustees has approved the 2020-21 school year budget. With enrollment projected to increase by 2.5% (approx. 204 students), the new budget addresses divisional growth and provides funding to address critical support needs. The Board of Trustees recently conducted a community-wide survey asking parents/guardians, community members, and employees for their thoughts regarding the allocation of financial resources within Hanover School Division. Over 1,200 constituents…

in: Board of Trustees News Releases

Public Consultation on Budget

In advance of our budget planning for the 2020-21 school year, we asked for your thoughts and comments regarding the allocation of financial resources in Hanover School Division. What is important to you? What priorities should guide our spending? To gather your feedback, we used Thoughtexchange – an online tool that provides participants with the… Read More

in: Board of Trustees

Official Sod-Turning at Mitchell Elementary School

Hanover School Division officially turned sod to begin construction of the new addition at Mitchell Elementary School. Trustees and staff participated in the ceremonial ground-breaking along with special guests the Hon. Kelvin Goertzen, Minister of Education and Stan Toews, Reeve for the Municipality of Hanover. Scheduled for completion by December 2020, the new addition will include five classrooms, library, multipurpose room, and related ancillary spaces…

in: Board of Trustees News Releases

Date Change – Public Consultation on Budget

Notice of Date Change – The Public Consultation on Budget (2020-21 school year) originally scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2019 has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2020.  Our apologies for the scheduling change. HSD values public input in the budget planning process, and we encourage you…

in: Announcements Board of Trustees

Trustees Appoint Chair and Vice Chair

Hanover School Division Board of Trustees has appointed Mr. Rick Peters as Chair and Mr. Ron Falk as Vice Chair for the 2019-20 school year. As selected by trustees, the appointments are for a term of one year and are effective immediately. Mr. Peters was elected as a school trustee in 2014, and served as…

in: Board of Trustees News Releases

Recognizing Retiring Educators

HSD Retiring Educators Banquet was held on Tuesday, June 11. An opportunity to celebrate the careers of teachers who are retiring this year, after 10+ years in HSD. Thank-you for your dedicated work, and years of service to the students and…

in: Announcements Board of Trustees