Confirmed Case of COVID-19
November 9, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Manitoba Public Health officials have advised Mitchell Middle School of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in an individual who was in the school on Oct. 29th and 30th, 2020. Public disclosure of identifying information (grade, cohort, or class) is at the discretion of Public Health and will not be released by Hanover School Division.
Within 24 hours of a confirmed COVID-19 laboratory test, Public Health begins an investigation to identify individuals who may have been exposed. Public Health has access to enrollment information such as school class lists and contact information for parents/guardians and staff. Anyone identified as a close contact of the confirmed case will be contacted directly by Public Health and provided instructions regarding self-isolation and COVID-19 testing.
View Public Health Letter for Mitchell Middle School (PDF)
As noted in the public health letter, close contacts connected to the case have been identified and advised to self-isolate. Anyone who is a close contact has been contacted directly by public health. The school will remain open to all other students and staff, who can continue to attend school in person.
The school’s affected areas have been thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized using our sanitization sprayer. Please be assured that HSD is working closely with Public Health to ensure necessary measures continue to be in place to protect all students and staff.
Shelley Amos, Interim Superintendent/CEO
Hanover School Division
For additional COVID-19 information, please visit