Steinbach Regional Secondary School has been named one of the 150 regional finalists for the 2017 Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Challenge.
The Challenge asked Canadian students from Grades 6 through 12 to identify issues in their local communities and develop solutions using science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Examples of 150 regional finalist projects include a mobile app to monitor water pollution levels, a fruit and vegetable production plan to spur healthy eating habits, and other innovative ideas.
Each of the 150 regional finalist schools will receive a Samsung technology package which includes a Samsung Gear VR, Galaxy Tab A, Galaxy S7 and Samsung Gear360 camera to assist them in completing their next ‘assignment’ as part of the Challenge: documenting the implementation of their community solution in a three-minute video. Videos will go on to be reviewed by a panel of Samsung Solve for Tomorrow judges, with the top-scoring four schools being named Regional Winners in June 2017.
in: Announcements