Superintendent’s Office
June 18, 2021
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
As we near the summer break, I want to take this opportunity to thank our students, parents, caregivers, and staff for their unwavering commitment to learning this past year. Teaching and learning in a pandemic has provided new opportunities alongside the many challenges. We are so proud of our students and the work they’ve accomplished this year despite the difficulties.
Planning for the next school year is underway but remains tentative, and we anticipate this to be the case until sometime in August. We remain optimistic for a full return of students in kindergarten through Grade 12. Planning for anything other than a regular start will mean hiring more teachers and moving classrooms of students to other spaces in the school if there are social distancing measures in place in the fall. This will be finalized in August.
Therefore, HSD has made the decision that schools will delay notification of class placements until late August when there is a better degree of certainty regarding class sizes and teaching assignments. As this is a different process than what we’ve been accustomed to for the last few years, we respectfully request your support and understanding. Schools will communicate as soon as class placements are finalized in August. Please encourage your children and help them to understand the circumstances. We suggest this might be a good opportunity for learning how to be patient and how to be resilient.
Final K-8 Report Cards
Teachers in Grades K-8 are busy compiling meaningful assessments to provide a summative report of where your child’s learning is at for this final reporting period. Here are some relevant items to remember and consider as you receive your child’s report card:
- The foundational concepts that students require to make progress in their learning are still being acquired.
- We must adjust expectations for progress based on this year’s learning environment. It will take longer for some students to acquire the foundational skills.
- Report cards may have some areas marked as “NA” or “IN” due to our focus on core curricular areas.
- Some students may have report card marks of “1” or “ND” (not yet demonstrated) on their report card. This means that students are not yet able to have a solid or complete grasp of concepts at this reporting period.
- Our teachers will plan for the next steps to help your child learn the foundational pieces they require to succeed in school.
- Your child’s current teachers will have conversations and share relevant information with next year’s teacher to ensure a smooth transition and a successful start to the school year.
Hanover School Division is committed to providing your child with the education they deserve regardless of the circumstances thrust upon us by the pandemic. We thank you for your patience and partnership as we continue to create safe environments and provide education to all of our learners in the Hanover School Division.
Shelley Amos, Interim Superintendent/CEO
Hanover School Division