Superintendent’s Update
November 12, 2021
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
As we move into mid-November and the winter season, I want to take this opportunity to thank parents/caregivers and our staff for their efforts over the past nine weeks. Your cooperation has been appreciated as we continue to learn and work through the challenges of in-person learning during a pandemic.
Term 1 K-8 Report Cards
Teachers in Grades K-8 are busy compiling meaningful assessments to provide a snapshot of where your child’s learning is at for this reporting period. Here are some relevant items to remember and consider as you receive your child’s report card:
- Your child’s current teachers have had conversations with last year’s teacher, and relevant information/learning forward assessments were shared to ensure a smooth transition and a successful start to the school year.
- The foundational concepts that students require to make progress in their learning are still being acquired.
- We will continue to adjust expectations for progress based on the current learning environment. It may take longer for some students to acquire the foundational skills due to last year’s challenges.
- Your child’s teacher will plan the next steps to help your child learn the foundational pieces they require to succeed in school.
- Your child’s teachers will work diligently to plan learning experiences based upon your child’s current knowledge, understanding and skills, to help them grow and make progress as learners.
If you have specific questions about your child’s learning or progress, please make arrangements to speak to your child’s teacher directly. Student-led conferences/Parent-Teacher conferences will generally be held in a virtual format this fall. Individual schools will provide further communication to families.
Christmas Concerts
Due to the continued cases of COVID-19 in our region, school Christmas Concerts will not take place in the regular format or be open to in-person audiences. Any concerts/presentations will be facilitated virtually (live-streamed or pre-recorded video). Your child’s school will provide additional event details in the coming weeks.
Travel Restrictions
Manitoba Education has asked school divisions to pass along the following information regarding travel restrictions:
Considering travelling? If so, know the requirements for travellers upon return to Manitoba.
If your travel is within Canada, be aware of the Travel and Self-isolation Requirements for all individuals returning to Manitoba. For further information, see Self-isolation (Quarantine) for Asymptomatic Returning Travellers and Testing for Travellers.
- For domestic travellers, if you are fully immunized and two weeks have passed since your last dose at the time of your arrival, you are exempt from needing to self-isolate (quarantine) under the provincial travel order. Domestic travel exemptions include children under the age of 12 if all individuals they travelled with are fully immunized.
If your travel is outside of Canada, then the Government of Canada guidance applies. International travellers MUST follow federal self-isolation (quarantine) requirements.
- Note that unvaccinated children under 12 without symptoms and travelling with fully vaccinated parents or guardians cannot attend school, camp or daycare (among other activities) for 14 days upon return to Canada.
As always, the Hanover School Division will continue to follow the Public Health Orders and Manitoba Education guidance to ensure the safety of our students, staff, and school communities. Working together, we can keep the risk of transmission low in our schools which will help keep our schools open for in-class learning.
Shelley Amos, Interim Superintendent/CEO
Hanover School Division