Superintendent’s Update
February 21, 2022
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
In looking at the forecast for the next few days, there is the possibility that extreme cold weather may result in school closures this week. A reminder that schools will be closed for cold weather reasons when it’s too cold for students to be exposed to the elements for even a short period.
The HSD Weather-Related School Closure Policy requires that schools close for cold weather reasons when the recorded temperature at the Environment Canada Kleefeld Weather Station at 6:00 am indicates -35𐩑 degrees Celsius or colder, or a Windchill of -45𐩑 degrees Celsius or colder.
As educators, we understand the importance of our children attending in person for learning and well-being. Unfortunately, extreme weather has resulted in the cancellation of many school days this winter. Weather-related cancellations, coupled with an extended winter break and a week of remote learning, have significantly reduced our students’ number of in-class days.
To reduce the potential impact of additional closure days moving forward and ensure student learning continues regardless of weather, HSD will commence providing students with learning opportunities on days when schools are closed for extreme cold weather. If extreme cold weather cancellations occur, please expect the following:
- Teachers will post assignments/activities/lessons onto Seesaw or Google Classroom as soon as possible in the morning.
- Teachers will send a message to parents (and/or students depending on the grade) letting them know how and what time(s) of the day they will be available online or via email to answer questions.
- Teachers will attempt to connect virtually or via telephone with each student in Grades K-8 (Grades 9-12 if possible as time permits) to check in and provide suggestions for work.
- We are not expecting synchronous (all online at the same time) learning to take place at this time as we know all students do not have access to technology.
- We also understand not all students/families will engage on a cold-weather closure day, and we will honour and respect all choices.
- Teachers will not launch new lessons/units, as all students may not participate, so please keep in mind the work teachers assign will primarily be work students can engage in independently.
On behalf of the Hanover School Division, I want to thank our parents/caregivers for their understanding and cooperation on extreme weather days when student safety and division policy necessitate cancelling school. We fully understand the inconvenience and disruption that school closures have on many families and work schedules.
Shelley Amos, Superintendent/CEO
Hanover School Division