Superintendent’s Update
March 11, 2022
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Hanover School Division remains committed to keeping our community informed and updated with new information as it becomes available. Today, we are providing an update regarding new Public Health Orders, Term 2 report cards for Grades K-8, and a newly established Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol (VTRA).
To ensure the safety of our students and staff, Hanover School Division will continue to follow all public health orders and guidance from Manitoba Education. As changes to public health requirements take place in our community, they will be mirrored in schools.
Masks Optional
Public Health has indicated that effective March 15, 2022, masks will no longer be required in indoor places, including schools. As mask requirements are removed, it is important to note that anyone can continue to wear a mask based on their individual risk and personal preference. Public health recommends masks for those at higher risk of severe disease or those at higher risk of severe illness attending a crowded indoor setting. Masks will continue to be provided to students and staff upon request. Our schools will continue to be welcoming environments for our students and staff, whether they choose to wear masks or not. We encourage kindness, compassion, and understanding to those around us.
Physical Distancing
Physical distancing and cohorts are no longer required, and there are no restrictions for music classes. Specific to student assemblies and larger-scale public events, we will expand cautiously. Schools will begin to plan for spring concerts and orientation-related events.
Personal Hygiene
Although public health requirements are changing, we encourage all families to continue to follow preventive measures as much as possible. Hand hygiene is recommended. Schools will continue to provide frequent handwashing opportunities, and hand sanitizer will be available as an option. Please remind your children to cover their cough or sneeze, and be sure to keep your children at home if they are sick.
Reporting of Cases
Parents/caregivers are encouraged to report cases to schools. School officials will continue to monitor absenteeism and COVID-19 cases to look for unusually high absenteeism due to COVID-19 activity or concerning patterns or trends.
Effective March 15, the public health orders for isolation of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 are being removed. The orders are being transitioned to public health guidelines, similar to how other communicable diseases are managed. Isolation for COVID-19 is still advised by Public Health (no distinction between vaccinated or unvaccinated):
- People with symptoms should stay home and isolate for five days after symptoms start until they have no fever and other symptoms have improved over the past 24 hours.
- Individuals who have tested positive but do not develop symptoms should isolate for five days from the test date.
Access to Schools
Visitors will be permitted to attend schools, and volunteering will be allowed. Facility rentals are also permitted (Community Use of Schools).
Teachers in Grades K-8 are busy compiling meaningful assessments to provide a snapshot of where your child’s learning is at for this reporting period.
This past term has had fewer in-class learning days due to the province-mandated winter break extension, a period of remote learning (January), and unexpected school day cancellations (weather-related). As a result, some students may have encountered additional challenges in keeping pace with learning expectations. Here are some relevant items to remember and consider as you receive your child’s report card:
- The foundational concepts that students require to make progress in their learning are still being acquired.
- We must adjust expectations for progress based on the current learning environment. It will take longer for some students to acquire the foundational skills.
- Some students may have report card marks of “1” or “ND” (not yet demonstrated) on their second term report card, which indicates the student does not yet have a solid or complete grasp of Term 2 concepts. That is to be expected due to the circumstances as it has not been a normal school experience.
Your child’s teachers will plan the next steps to help your child learn the foundational pieces they require to succeed in school. They will work diligently to design learning experiences based upon your child’s current knowledge, understanding, and skills to help them grow and make progress as learners. If you have specific questions regarding your child’s report card, please make arrangements to speak directly to your child’s teacher.
Safety in schools is fundamental to learning and well-being for all students. HSD is committed to creating and maintaining safe, caring, and accepting school environments. All students and staff have a right to safety, and any behaviour by individuals that threaten this safety will be dealt with seriously.
HSD has now developed a Violence Threat Risk Assessment Protocol (VTRA). The effective implementation of a VTRA will support collaborative planning to prevent traumatic events. In addition, the timely sharing of information about students at risk for violence towards themselves or others will ensure that support plans are put in place for the student and school community. The VTRA Protocol is proactive and serves as fair notice to students and their parents/caregivers that the school/division will actively investigate threats to self-harm or harm others.
We thank you for your continued partnership as we continue to create safe environments and provide education to all of our learners in the Hanover School Division.
Shelley Amos, Superintendent/CEO
Hanover School Division