Superintendent’s Update
September 28, 2022
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
It’s hard to believe we have arrived at the end of September! It has been a pleasure and a joy to welcome students back into our buildings and to watch the resumption of extracurricular activities and sports flourish in our school communities.
On Thursday and Friday of this week, schools and the broader community have the opportunity to reflect and participate in activities supporting the spirit of reconciliation through two observances:
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
As recently announced by the province, all schools will be closed on Sept. 30 to recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day of observation advances reconciliation, allowing Manitobans to reflect on the residential school experiences of First Nations, Métis and Inuit. An opportunity to encourage reflection and meaningful discussions about the impacts of residential schools.
Orange Shirt Day
Since 2013, Sept. 30 has also been recognized in Canada as Orange Shirt Day. The day began as a grassroots, Indigenous-led initiative to acknowledge the journeys of residential school survivors and their families, to remember those who did not survive, and to recognize that every child matters. With schools closed on Sept. 30, HSD schools will participate in various Orange Shirt Day activities on Thursday, Sept. 29. #everychildmatters
As a public education system, we are all encouraged to take time to reflect, read, listen, talk, learn, participate, watch and/or wear orange as we each think about our own personal journey and what Truth and Reconciliation means to us as individuals.
Once again, I’d like to thank all parents/caregivers for your support and cooperation as partners in your children’s education. We look forward to this new school year with a renewed sense of hope, positivity, and opportunity for a bright future.
Shelley Amos, Superintendent/CEO
Hanover School Division