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Safe Work Procedures, Facilitator Guides, and Reporting Forms
Safe Work Procedures, Facilitator Guides, and Reporting Forms
The Hanover School Division Workplace Safety and Health Committee enables employees and administration of the division to work together to provide and to maintain safe and healthy places of employment and learning for all who use divisional facilities.
To ensure that all personnel are required to support the workplace safety and health program of the division and that all employees, volunteers and students make health and safety part of every activity. They are required to follow the policy and regulations of the Hanover School Division, which were established in accordance with provincial and local health and safety laws and regulations.
In 2004, the division applied for a variance under the Workplace Safety and Health Act to allow for the establishment of a centralized workplace safety and health committee for the school division. The request to establish a single workplace safety and health committee at the Division level was approved. The term of the variance was established as a three years. The Division will continue to make application to the province every three years to continue with this structure.
Each workplace has one employee Safety and Health Representative (chosen by the employees) and one employer representative (site administrator or designate), who work together on local safety and health concerns, inspections and investigations of serious injuries and dangerous occurrences.
Only one school, the Steinbach Regional Secondary School, offers multiple programs, including vocational programs. This school also stands out as having a staff and student count which is roughly double of our next largest school. The Steinbach Regional Secondary School has a separate WSH committee at the school. The committee is identified as a sub-committee of the divisional WSH Committee. The sub-committee has two representatives that are sitting members of the divisional committee. The sub-committee has a minimum representation as follows:
The Divisional Committee meets quarterly and committee minutes are submitted to the provincial WSH division and distributed to all worksites for posting on the WSH bulletin board. All representatives are voted in by their union/work group for a three year term (length of the variance) and prior to the application renewal of the variance, groups must re-elect their representative and approve of the continuation of a single WSH committee representing the division.
Divisional Administration
Employee Representation (one individual for each representation)
Employee representatives on the divisional committee may also serve as the school safety representative in their schools if chosen or ratified by the staff.
As a requirement of the HSD WSH variance the SRSS is required each year to create a WSH sub-committee that reports to the Hanover School Division WSH Committee. The committee acts as a sub-committee of the divisional WSH committee. The divisional WSH committee is the official committee that is recognized by the province.
The HSD WSH variance requires that the SRSS sub-committee have the following minimum representation:
To ensure a comprehensive representation of all areas and employee responsibilities in the school additional members may be appointed or elected to the sub-committee as members at large as outlined in the HSD WSH variance. The Sub-Committee was established as one of the components of the HSD Workplace Safety and Health variance.
The role of the sub-committee is to:
The Committee shall have a continuing concern with respect to the safety and health of staff and students in the workplace.
Variance Sub-committee Area Representatives (one individual for each representation)
Variance Sub-committee Members at Large (one individual for each representation)
To ensure comprehensive representation of all bargaining groups and areas in the school, members may be appointed or selected to the sub-committee. In addition to the minimum variance representation, employees from the Physical Education, Light Vocational, Office Staff and Student Services Support Staff areas will be selected by staff as Variance Sub-committee Members at Large.
Any employees interested in submitting their name to participate in selection process of the SRSS WSH sub-committee, should forward their name to – SRSS WSH Employee Representative. The process of establishing the representation from the different bargaining groups and areas in the school is the responsibility of the employees under the guidance of the SRSS WSH Employee Representative.
A WSH employee co-chair committee member of HSD will serve a term of two years, at which point an election will take place. Members may be elected as employee co chairs for more than one term.
If an employee co chair does not want to serve on the HSD WSH committee anymore, that person should remain in office until a HSD WSH committee employee member is voted in as co chair.
The committee terms of reference are bound by the regulations of the Workplace Safety and Health Act.
In order to help provide a safe and healthy workplace, the following people have been designated as HSD Safety Officers, who are responsible for helping identify, assess and control hazards. They will be conducting scheduled and un-scheduled inspections, as well as talking with employees and contracted workers about any safety or health concern. Any concerns that are identified and need to be addressed will be reported to the school / building supervisor who will make all the necessary arrangements to deal with any concern. The safety officers may also, if the situation warrants, immediately restrict or shut down an activity.
Effective workplace safety and health programs are in place to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses. The Hanover Workplace Safety and Health Program is designed to help:
The “COR™” components of the Hanover Workplace Safety and Health Program:
The division is responsible for establishing and communicating a commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and students in Hanover School Division.
Establish clear standards of performance and holding employees accountable for their performance
Principals and Divisional Supervisors
Sub-Contractors and Self Employed Persons
Prime contractors
Regular meetings will be held a minimum of four times each school year (from September to June) during regular school hours.
There will be Co-chairs (one representing the employer and one representing the employees). The meetings will be chaired on an alternating basis, by the employer and employee co-chairs.
Minutes of the meetings will be forwarded within ten days to:
Each workplace will elect an employee of that workplace as their WSH Employee Representative. This representative will work together with an appointed employer representative in each workplace to carry out local workplace inspections, handle local concerns and complaints, participate in conducting investigations of serious injuries and dangerous incidents or occurrences, liaise with and report to the divisional WSH Committee, maintain up-to-date safety information on the workplace WSH bulletin board and serve as workplace representative for all safety and health concerns.
Workplace Representatives will:
HSD Workplace Safety and Health Committee Members will:
Section 7.4(5)(a) of the Workplace Safety and Health Act requires a statement of the employer’s policy with respect to protecting the safety and health of workers at the workplace.
“Hanover School Division recognizing the rights of a worker to work in a safe and healthy work environment is committed to maintain all facilities as safe and healthy places of employment and learning for all students, staff, and visitors and is prepared to work in a spirit of co-operation and consultation with their workers in developing and maintaining an effective safety program.”
In Hanover School Division:
It is important for all employees to be aware of the procedures to follow when an emergency occurs at a school or worksite.
The school division will ensure that all worksites have plans to deal with emergency situations which may arise. At a minimum, each worksite will have the capability to provide:
The school or worksite supervisor will be responsible to plan and implement for any unusual hazards or tasks that employees may encounter. At a minimum, the site supervisor or school principal will ensure that all emergency preparedness information is readily available and that all staff are given a site orientation to ensure that they are aware of:
All Workers
NOTE: Chemical spills should only be dealt with by trained staff that have a working knowledge of the spilled chemical’s hazards and the precautions that must be taken when looking after a spill.
For small spills that can be safely handled:
For large spills or extremely hazardous materials where emergency assistance is necessary:
Based on Information provided by:
The following procedures/precautions should be routinely used throughout Hanover School Division to minimize the risks of transmission of communicable diseases like HIV and hepatitis.
Definition of Body Fluids
Body fluids apply to blood, drainage from scrapes and cuts, feces, urine, vomit, saliva and drainage from any orifice (i.e. nose, ears). These guidelines provide simple and effective precautions for all persons potentially exposed to the body fluids of others.
Principle 1: Direct skin contact with body fluids of others should be avoided when possible.
Principle 2: When direct skin contact or contamination of materials occur from unanticipated skin contact with body fluids (helping a child in the bathroom, applying pressure to a bloody nose, unexpected vomiting, etc.) proper cleaning techniques should be followed.
Principle 3: Spilled body fluids should be removed from the environment by proper cleaning technique.
An immediate level disinfectant should be used to clean surface contaminated with body fluids. Such disinfectants will kill vegetative bacteria, fungi, tubercle bacillus and viruses. The disinfectant should be registered for use in medical facilities and hospitals.
Various classes of disinfectants are listed below:
Disinfection of Hard Surfaces and Care of Equipment
Disinfection of Rugs
Principle 4: The clothing of persons at high risk for frequently contact with body fluids should be protected.
Workplace Inspections by Workplace Employee and Employer Representative
All inspections will be carried out during regular working hours.
Full Inspections of Workplaces by the Divisional Committee on a Rotational Basis
Upon completion of a full inspection, a completed checklist will be reviewed along with regular workplace inspection reports and appropriate items will be added to the HSD WSH Committee agenda, with the minutes of the meeting identifying appropriate action to be taken, the time frame for completing that action and the person(s) responsible for taking the action.
The goal of any safety program is to identify and control hazards in the workplace before they can cause an incident. Unfortunately we cannot safeguard everything and incidents do occur. When an incident occurs it will be investigated and using the facts and evidence surrounding the incident corrective actions recommended and then acted upon.
Section 7.4(5)(1) of the Workplace Safety and Health Act requires a procedure for the investigation of accidents, dangerous occurrences and refusals to work under Section 43 of the Act.
Accidents and incidents are investigated:
All accidents or near misses shall be investigated and all appropriate reports be filled out and given to appropriate supervisors. Incidents include the following:
A serious incident must be reported immediately to WSH (204-945-3446) and the Division.
The Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, M.R. 217/2006, Part 2 General Duties, section 2.6 defines a serious incident as one:
Who is involved in Investigating Workplace Incidents?
Manitoba Regulation 217/2006, section 2.8, requires that nothing (equipment or materials) involved in a serious incident may be altered or moved, unless it is necessary to free and injured or trapped person or to avoid creating additional hazards. Where possible, pictures are to be taken of the area.
The following serious incidents are to be reported:
The following incidents are not required to be reported to WSH, but are required to be reported to the office and appropriately documented:
The HSD Safety Program Coordinator completes an injury/incident report in consultation with those involved in the investigation. This report is submitted to the HSD WSH Committee for review and recommendations. A report may also be made to the Department of Labour, WSH Division or included in the minutes of the HSD WSH Committee Meeting and forwarded to the WSH Division.
Remedial Action will be taken as soon as possible to repair or replace faulty equipment or modify procedure to ensure the accident/incident won’t happen again. The HSD WSH Committee will consider education and training in appropriate areas to address concerns coming out of the report.
Definition of a Safety or Health Concern: A safety or health concern exists when a condition or hazard in a workplace or on divisional property may potentially endanger employees, students, sub-contractors or visitors to that site. A safety or health concern also exists when the equipment, tools or procedures utilized at a worksite / school may potential endanger employees, students, sub-contractors or visitors to that site.
The WSH Committee will review each report and designate committee members and/or the WHS officer, to follow-up to ensure that all recommendations pertaining to preventing further incidents of this nature will be carried out. A timeline for compliance will be established and then carried out.
It is the responsibility of all Hanover School Divisions staff members to identify all potential hazards in the workplace, classroom, or as part of any educational activity. During the lesson planning process or a toolbox meeting, staff will identify all potential hazards, assess the risk of any activity or job, and prior to starting the job, lesson, activity, have a Safe Work Procedure in place.
In accordance with (Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act, W210, Section 7.4(5)(b) and Safe Work – Job Hazard Analysis and Safe Work procedures have been developed as follows.
Each vocational shop, lab, kitchen, are responsible for developing and maintaining an up-to-date Safe Work Procedures Handbook for their designated vocational area, that will consider the tasks, equipment, and materials in their areas. Handbook information will include the identification of known and potential dangers to students / workers, safety hazards and health hazards such as: chemical, biological, and physical agents.
A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) will be been done for each related activity / procedure that could potentially be hazardous to staff, students, or visitors.
Teachers or workers needing to develop a Safe Work Procedure (SWP) may consult and collaborate with the divisional WSH consultant to create the SWP.
Step 1: Assess the Risk
Step 2: Identify Steps to Reduce / Eliminate any Potential Risk(s)
Step 3: Inform and Communicate any Potential Risk / Hazard – Information and Education Process
All worksites will have procedures and resources in place to address the following situations:
The Contracted Employer shall act as the Prime Contractor as defined in The Workplace Safety and Health Act. The Contractor shall:
General Contractor
This document provides information regarding the terms and conditions for Contractors working on Hanover School Division premises. This document, when signed becomes part of the general terms and conditions of the contract issued by the Hanover School Division to the contractor. It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all Contractor personnel are aware of this document and comply with all the terms therein. Failure to comply may be considered a fundamental breach of contract that may result in, but is not limited to, expulsion from the premises and may be cause for exclusion from any further bidding considerations.
Conditions of Entry and Work
A health or safety concern exists when a condition or hazard in a workplace or on divisional property may potentially endanger employees, students or visitors to that site. A health or safety concern also exists when the equipment, tools or procedures utilized at a worksite may potentially endanger employees, students or visitors to that site.
Any employee with a safety or health concern in the workplace should follow the procedures outlined below:
Step 1
When a concern arises in a workplace, the employee with the concern should report it without delay to the principal or their supervisor. A concern may be reported verbally or in writing.
Step 2
Allow the principal or supervisor to investigate the concern and implement appropriate remedies where required.
Step 3
If the concern/ issue is not resolved by the principal or supervisor, the employee may complete a WSH Concern Form available on each worksite’s WSH bulletin board and then forward it to the workplace WSH Employee Representative. A copy of the form should also be given to the principal or supervisor.
Step 4
Allow the WSH Employee Representative and the principal or supervisor to further investigate the concern and find a satisfactory resolution.
Step 5
Concerns of a critical or urgent nature will be dealt with in an accelerated manner, as appropriate and feasible.
Step 6
Only if no satisfactory solution can be found in the workplace, the WSH Employee Representative will forward the WSH Concern Form to the Employee Co-chair of the HSD WSH Committee, who may ask that this item be added to the agenda of the next HSD WSH Committee Meeting. If the concern is of a critical or urgent nature, it will be dealt with in an accelerated manner, as appropriate and feasible.
Step 7
Concerns that are not resolved at the divisional WSH Committee level may be reported to the provincial WSH Department by the employee.
In accordance with Section 7.4(5)(b) of The Workplace Safety and Health Act requires employers to have a system to identify and control hazards.
In Hanover School Division the control system has a process in place to:
These measures may include redesigning a work process, substituting a safe chemical for a hazardous one, buying new equipment, or using other controls such as machine guards and noise enclosures, etc. All schools with vocational shops and science labs will develop and maintain up-to-date, safety procedures manual for each area.
Activities within the Hanover School Division include the use, storage, and disposal of chemicals. These guidelines are designed to identify, eliminate and/or control chemical hazards. These guidelines and procedures apply to all divisional staff that may be required to handle hazardous chemicals.
Terms of Reference
J.H.A. – Job Hazard Analysis
M.S.D.S. – Materials Safety Data Sheet
P.P.E. – Personal Protective Equipment
W.H.M.I.S. – Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Management
All staff that use, store, or dispose of chemicals must be trained in W.H.M.I.S. and must follow all M.S.D.S. requirements.
Instructions provided on MSDS must be followed including the proper storage of chemicals, the use of controls such as PPE, fume hoods and other engineering controls and disposal instructions.
All division facilities must maintain an up-to-date inventory of chemicals using the division database. Each chemical recorded on that inventory will be provided with an MSDS using the on-line MSDS retrieval system. Staffs that have access to the on-line MSDS database must be trained to use the system and must have access to a computer terminal. Staffs that do not have computer access are able to use the MSDS binders that are located in the general office of each facility.
The WellNet Master Book is the main book in our electronic MSDS management system and contains all of HSD’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information. We are required by law to maintain an updated inventory of all chemicals used within the division along with current MSDS information on each chemical. Chemicals without a MSDS information sheet are not to be used in HSD.
After the purchase and delivery of new chemicals to a school, schools are required to provide Central Office with the following information, which will be entered into the WellNet system.
It is the policy of the Hanover School Division to develop and maintain a system of Safe Work Practices for all jobs performed while ensuring that new types of jobs performed are fully examined to ensure the highest level of safety. This includes all planned school lessons and activities. The divisional safety consultant, in cooperation with the divisional administration and the divisional WSH Committee shall develop and review all Safe Work Practices and Safe Job Procedures.
Safe work practices are ways of controlling hazards and performing jobs with a minimum risk to people and property. Safe work practices for jobs or lessons performed by any employee of the school division shall be in place and easily accessible. All employees must be familiar with these and supervisors must ensure that they are complied with. Teachers planning student activities that involve chemicals, mechanical devices such as saws, drills, planners, etc. must have a safe work procedure in place prior to the activity. Safe work procedures should be embed into all teacher lesson plans where there is a potential for injury.
Safety and loss control are prime factors in planning any job and/or lesson. Potential incidents may be identified and eliminated (reduced) during the planning process. A Job Hazard Analysis shall be conducted for each step of completing a job / lesson to assist with the identification and elimination of potential incidents.
A Job Hazard Analysis may result in identifying the need for additional employee / student training, the evaluation of existing safety procedures for adequacy and the identification of any new procedures or safety requirements. As job procedures are established and analyzed, written procedures will be incorporated into the divisional safety manual.
Hanover School Division is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, as well as, all areas where there is student / work activity. Staffs are responsible for identifying and putting controls in place to reduce / eliminate any potential hazard that may cause or contribute to a workplace incident, injuries, or illnesses. One of the most effective ways to help reduce the risk of injury is to have in place guidelines for effective instructor supervision.
Instructors are responsible for the health and safety of all of their students at all times which will require effective supervision on the part of the instructor.
Some of the duties and responsibilities of an instructor to achieve effective supervision of a class include:
Also, the instructor must properly supervise each student to ensure that they are carrying out the class activities as required. An Instructor is to be within close proximity to any students conducting low risk activities. Close proximity refers to within the instructional program area where students can still be monitored. This would preclude instructors from attempting to supervise from their office area as they would not be able to see all activities taking place in the instructional area.
In order to support the maintenance of a safe and healthy workplace, all departments, shops, and labs, will develop a Critical Job Inventory, which reviews all jobs and procedures conducted by workers and/or students, and then conduct a job hazard analysis which may require the development of Safe Work Procedures for those critical jobs/procedures.
In accordance with MR 217/2006 – specifically part 2 of the WSH Regulations, Hanover School Division will:
Step 1: Recognition = Spot the Hazard
Step 2: Evaluation = Assess the Risk (Risk = S x F x P)
How do you prioritize which hazards you are going to deal with first?
What is the risk of being exposed to this hazard? The following Risk Assessment Model is used in HSD:
Severity | Probability | ||
I | Fatality or permanent total disability | A | Likely to occur immediately |
II | Lost time injury | B | Probable in time |
III | Reportable injury, no lost time | C | Possible in time |
IV | Minor medical treatment | D | Remotely possible |
Hazard Probability | |||||||
A | B | C | D | Rating 1 is CRITICAL | |||
I | Rating 2 is SERIOUS | ||||||
II | Rating 3 is MODERATE | ||||||
Iii | Rating 4 is MINOR | ||||||
IV | Rating 5 is NEGLIGIBLE |
Step 3: Control = Find a safer way; Everyday
How do you eliminate or control the hazard? When dealing with the control of hazards, research into the following areas will take place:
Recognizing Types of Hazard Control Choices
The process to conduct a hazard assessment will include the following three steps:
All HSD staff will review the jobs in their workplace and prioritize them using the following three steps:
Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
When a Job Hazard Analysis is done, the following three steps will be followed:
Hanover School Division will provide and employees will participate in all safety and related training that is necessary to minimize loss to human and physical resources of the division, its’ suppliers and the public.
This training will include but is not limited to:
Upon commencing employment, prior to the assignment of any task, new employees will receive a safety orientation by a member of divisional administration (or designate).
Supervisors will provide training in job operations and responsibilities, proper procedures to be used, and special training for non-routine tasks.
The Hanover School Division will provide WSH Committee members and Workplace Representatives (including the SRSS WSH Sub-Committee members) with a minimum of two days of training related to workplace safety and health.
The Assistant Superintendent will approve written requests for workplace safety and health training from committee members or workplace representatives.
All school administrators will receive the following (but not restricted to) annual training and upgrading for:
All members of the divisional WHS Committee will receive up to, but not restricted to, two days of training and upgrading each year.
Tool box talks will be held on a regular basis, at minimum, once per month. On jobs with more than five employees, they will be held on a weekly basis with no meeting lasting less than 15 minutes.
Topics will be relevant to the job and job conditions with active employee participation. This is a format for all employees to express their safety concerns.
Training specific to a job or task will be conducted as required, with particular attention to new equipment and procedures. Training will be conducted by the supervisor, or qualified person, and shall include a written or performance test. A record of all written or performance tests will be kept on file.
Specialized training may be required from time to time for special areas of operations or to meet specific requirements for unique tasks. This may include specific equipment and procedures for personnel working with, or exposed to, toxic or corrosive chemicals. Examples of such training would include: WHMIS, Confined Space and Working Alone.
Employee on-the-job training will be conducted by supervisors or a designate and will include: