
The Hanover School Division Workplace Safety and Health Committee enables employees and administration of the division to work together to provide and to maintain safe and healthy places of employment and learning for all who use divisional facilities.

  • To assist workers and the employer to identify, record, examine, evaluate and resolve safety and health concerns in the workplace;
  • To develop practical procedures and conditions in the workplace to help achieve the highest possible degree of safety and health for all.
  • To promote education and training programs that develop the knowledge and skills required for all individuals in the workplace to exercise their rights and responsibilities in maintaining a safe and healthy environment.

To ensure that all personnel are required to support the workplace safety and health program of the division and that all employees, volunteers and students make health and safety part of every activity.  They are required to follow the policy and regulations of the Hanover School Division, which were established in accordance with provincial and local health and safety laws and regulations.

Committee History

In 2004, the division applied for a variance under the Workplace Safety and Health Act to allow for the establishment of a centralized workplace safety and health committee for the school division.  The request to establish a single workplace safety and health committee at the Division level was approved.  The term of the variance was established as a three years.  The Division will continue to make application to the province every three years to continue with this structure.

Each workplace has one employee Safety and Health Representative (chosen by the employees) and one employer representative (site administrator or designate), who work together on local safety and health concerns, inspections and investigations of serious injuries and dangerous occurrences.

Only one school, the Steinbach Regional Secondary School, offers multiple programs, including vocational programs.  This school also stands out as having a staff and student count which is roughly double of our next largest school. The Steinbach Regional Secondary School has a separate WSH committee at the school. The committee is identified as a sub-committee of the divisional WSH Committee.  The sub-committee has two representatives that are sitting members of the divisional committee. The sub-committee has a minimum representation as follows:

  • Employer (School Administrator)
  • Employees (Science Teacher, Vocational Teacher, Custodial Representative)

The Divisional Committee meets quarterly and committee minutes are submitted to the provincial WSH division and distributed to all worksites for posting on the WSH bulletin board. All representatives are voted in by their union/work group for a three year term (length of the variance) and prior to the application renewal of the variance, groups must re-elect their representative and approve of the continuation of a single WSH committee representing the division.

Committee Membership

Divisional Administration

  • Trustee – Chair of Board WSH sub-committee
  • Trustee – Vice-chair of Board WSH sub-committee
  • Assistant Superintendent in charge of WSH
  • Division Maintenance Supervisor and Safety Office

Employee Representation (one individual for each representation)

  • Hanover Teachers’ Association Representative (MTS)
  • Hanover Council of School Leaders Representative (MTS – COSL) (may also serve as HTA representative)
  • Bus Drivers  Representative  (CUPE)
  • Custodial / EA Representative  (CLAC)
  • Maintenance / Technology Representative (non-organized)
  • Secretarial / Librarian / Clerical Representative (non-organized)
  • Noon Hour Supervisor Representative (non-organized)
  • SRSS School Committee Representative to the Divisional Committee (vocational teacher)
  • Industrial Arts / Home Economics Teacher from Schools with Labs (technical support – non-voting)
  • Science Teacher Representative from Schools with Wet Labs (technical support – non-voting)

Employee representatives on the divisional committee may also serve as the school safety representative in their schools if chosen or ratified by the staff.

Steinbach Regional Secondary School Workplace Safety and Health Sub-Committee

As a requirement of the HSD WSH variance the SRSS is required each year to create a WSH sub-committee that reports to the Hanover School Division WSH Committee.  The committee acts as a sub-committee of the divisional WSH committee.  The divisional WSH committee is the official committee that is recognized by the province.

The HSD WSH variance requires that the SRSS sub-committee have the following minimum representation:

  • Employer (School Administrator)
  • Employees (Science Teacher, Vocational Teacher and Custodial representative)

To ensure a comprehensive representation of all areas and employee responsibilities in the school additional members may be appointed or elected to the sub-committee as members at large as outlined in the HSD WSH variance. The Sub-Committee was established as one of the components of the HSD Workplace Safety and Health variance.

The role of the sub-committee is to:

  • Assist workers and the employer to identify, record, examine, evaluate and resolve safety and health concerns in the workplace;
  • Develop practical procedures and conditions to help achieve the highest possible degree of safety and health in the workplace; and
  • Promote education and training programs to develop detailed knowledge of safety and health concerns and responsibilities in each individual in the workplace.

The Committee shall have a continuing concern with respect to the safety and health of staff and students in the workplace.

Terms of Reference
  • To receive, consider and act on concerns and complaints respecting the safety and health of workers.
  • To participate in the identification of risks to the safety or health of workers or other persons, arising out of or in connection with activities in the workplace.
  • To develop and promote measures to protect the safety, health and welfare of persons in the workplace, and check the effectiveness of such measures.
  • To cooperate with any outside agency; if such a service has been requested, such as occupational health, rehabilitation services, MTS etc. in assisting both students and or staff in the workplace.
  • To cooperate with a safety and health officer who is exercising his/her duties under the Act.
  • To develop and promote and communicate programs for education and information concerning safety and health in the workplace.
  • To maintain records in connection with receipt and disposition of concerns and complaints.
SRSS WSH Sub-Committee Membership
  • The Act provides for the designation of Worker Safety and Health Representatives, with representation from management and workers.
  • The committee is co-chaired by an appointed representative from management and one worker representative who are elected from among committee members.
  • Committee members will serve a two-year term and are eligible for a further term(s).
  • Committee at large members should be elected to the committee by representing various areas of the school, and if due to a lack of nominees or volunteers representatives may be appointed.
  • The responsibility of the committee co-chairs is to create an agenda and chair committee meetings.

Variance Sub-committee Area Representatives (one individual for each representation)

  • Science Teacher
  • Vocational Teacher
  • Custodial Representative
  • Management (Vocational)

Variance Sub-committee Members at Large (one individual for each representation)

  • Physical Education Teacher
  • Light Vocational Teacher
  • Office Staff
  • Student Services Support Staff/ EA
  • HSD WSH Employee Rep
  • Management (Academic)
Selection Process of Committee Members

To ensure comprehensive representation of all bargaining groups and areas in the school, members may be appointed or selected to the sub-committee.  In addition to the minimum variance representation, employees from the Physical Education, Light Vocational, Office Staff and Student Services Support Staff areas will be selected by staff as Variance Sub-committee Members at Large.

Any employees interested in submitting their name to participate in selection process of the SRSS WSH  sub-committee, should forward their name to – SRSS WSH Employee Representative.  The process of establishing the representation from the different bargaining groups and areas in the school is the responsibility of the employees under the guidance of the SRSS WSH Employee Representative.

A WSH employee co-chair committee member of HSD will serve a term of two years, at which point an election will take place. Members may be elected as employee co chairs for more than one term.

If an employee co chair does not want to serve on the HSD WSH committee anymore, that person should remain in office until a HSD WSH committee employee member is voted in as co chair.

Review of Terms of Reference

The committee terms of reference are bound by the regulations of the Workplace Safety and Health Act.
In order to help provide a safe and healthy workplace, the following people have been designated as HSD Safety Officers, who are responsible for helping identify, assess and control hazards.  They will be conducting scheduled and un-scheduled inspections, as well as talking with employees and contracted workers about any safety or health concern.  Any concerns that are identified and need to be addressed will be reported to the school / building supervisor who will make all the necessary arrangements to deal with any concern.  The safety officers may also, if the situation warrants, immediately restrict or shut down an activity.

HSD Divisional Safety Officers
  • Joe Thiessen, Superintendent-CEO (Chief Safety Officer)
  • Leanne Peters, Assistant Superintendent (Assistant Safety Officer / Student Program Safety)


Effective workplace safety and health programs are in place to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses.  The Hanover Workplace Safety and Health Program is designed to help:

  1. Promote and maintain the physical, mental and social well-being of employees and students in Hanover.
  2. Prevent any ill health caused by the working conditions in the Hanover.
  3. Protect employees and students from factors that may be adverse to their health in Hanover.

The “COR™” components of the Hanover Workplace Safety and Health Program:

  1. Divisional Health and Safety Policies and Responsibilities
  2. Hazard Assessment Protocols and Procedures
  3. Safe Work Practices
  4. Safe Work Procedures
  5. Divisional Expectations for Workplace Health and Safety
  6. Personal Protective Equipment
  7. Preventative Maintenance
  8. WSH Training and Communication
  9. Inspections
  10. Incident Inspections
  11. Emergency Preparedness
  12. Statistics and Records
  13. Legislation
  14. Manitoba Supplement

Divisional Role and Responsibilities

The division is responsible for establishing and communicating a commitment to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees and students in Hanover School Division.

Establish clear standards of performance and holding employees accountable for their performance

Assignment for Responsibility and Accountability for Safety


  1. To provide information, instruction and assistance to all supervisory staff in order to protect the health and safety of all of our employees, sub trades, contractors and the public.
  2. To understand and enforce our accident prevention policy as well as the workplace health and safety legislation.
  3. To provide all supervisory staff with an understanding of our accident prevention programs as well as relevant occupational health and safety legislation.
  4. To provide all supervisory staff with proper, well maintained tools and equipment, in addition to any other special protective devices, which may be required.
  5. To provide ongoing safety educational programs and approved first aid training courses as required.
  6. To monitor employees, sub trades and contractors and hold them accountable for their individual safety performance.
  7. To hold regular safety meetings for sub-contractors and provide safety education. If there is a continuous problem with an employee or sub-contractor, Hanover School Division will notify that person or sub-contractor, in writing, that they are in violation of our safety program.
  8. To set a good example.

Principals and Divisional Supervisors

  1. To know and apply Hanover School Division’s safety policy and relevant occupational health and safety legislation.
  2. To ensure that all employees, sub trades and contractors are all educated to work in a safe manner and that they use all protective devices and procedures required by Hanover School Division and by legislation to protect their health and safety.
  3. To advise all employees and sub-contractors of any potential or actual dangers and how to isolate, prevent or remove them.
  4. To arrange for medical treatment as required, in the case of injury or illness including transportation to a doctor or medical facility as necessary.
  5. To report all accidents immediately, to investigate all accidents fully and to advise management on how to prevent similar accidents in the future.
  6. To carry out regular inspections of the workplace to ensure a safe and healthy environment.
  7. To carry out regular tool box talks.
  8. To set a good example.


  1. To read, understand and comply with Hanover School Division’s safety policy, safe work practices, procedures and rules.
  2. To wear the safety equipment and personal protective devices and clothing and use safety equipment, machine guards and safety devices required by regulations and Hanover School Division.
  3. To notify their supervisor of any unsafe conditions or acts that may be of danger to other workers or himself/herself.
  4. To report all accidents, near misses and injuries to his/her supervisor as is practical.
  5. To take every reasonable precaution to protect the safety of other workers and him/herself.
  6. To co-operate with the workplace safety and health committee and others on safety and health issues.

Sub-Contractors and Self Employed Persons

  1. To comply with the Workplace Health and Safety Regulations and the Workplace Health and Safety Act W 210.
  2. To understand and comply with the Hanover School Division Health and Safety Program.
  3. To provide information, instructions and assistance to their staff in order to protect the health and safety of their employees.
  4. To begin work on developing a Health and Safety Program, while working on the worksite.
  5. To notify Hanover School Division of any unsafe conditions that may exist or any accident that may occur on the worksite.
  6. To report all accidents to Hanover School Division immediately, to investigate accidents fully, and to advise Hanover School Division on how similar accidents could be prevented in the future.
  7. To carry out regular inspections of their work site to ensure a safe and health environment.
  8. To be in attendance at required meetings for acquiring safety education and to communicate that knowledge to their employees.
  9. To maintain tools and equipment, in addition to any other special personal protective devices (PPE’s)
  10. To co-operate with the contractor, prime contractor, other contracted employees and self-employed people, and workplace safety and health committees in protecting the safety and health of everyone in the workplace.
  11. To conduct their work in a way that does not endanger anyone’s safety and health

Prime contractors

  1. Setting up an effective system to ensure everyone involved in work on the project meets their legal safety and health obligations
  2. Co-ordinating, organizing and monitoring work on the project to ensure reasonable and practical precautions are in place to effectively control safety and health hazards
  3. Co-ordinating the safety and health programs of contracted employer.


  1. Supplying products that are safe when used according to instructions
  2. Providing instructions for the safe assembly, use, and disassembly of products they supply (sell, rent, or lease)
  3. Making sure that the products they supply comply with legislation

 WSH Meetings

Regular meetings will be held a minimum of four times each school year (from September to June) during regular school hours.

There will be Co-chairs (one representing the employer and one representing the employees).  The meetings will be chaired on an alternating basis, by the employer and employee co-chairs.

Minutes of the meetings will be forwarded within ten days to:

  • The Board of Trustees of the Hanover School Division
  • Workplace Safety and Health Division of the Provincial Department of Labour
  • Workplace Safety and Health Committee Representatives
  • Workplace Representatives in each workplace – to be posted in each workplace
  • School Principals
  • Custodians

Workplace WSH Representatives

Each workplace will elect an employee of that workplace as their WSH Employee Representative.  This representative will work together with an appointed employer representative in each workplace to carry out local workplace inspections, handle local concerns and complaints, participate in conducting investigations of serious injuries and dangerous incidents or occurrences, liaise with and report to the divisional WSH Committee, maintain up-to-date safety information on the workplace WSH bulletin board and serve as workplace representative for all safety and health concerns.

Responsibilities of the Workplace Safety and Health Team

Workplace Representatives will:

  1. Serve as the workplace representative for all local safety and health concerns
  2. Work with the workplace employer representative to identify, record, examine, evaluate and resolve local safety and health concerns
  3. Participate in scheduled inspections of the workplace
  4. Participate in conducting investigations of serious injuries and dangerous incidents or occurrences
  5. Liaise with and report to the HSD WSH Committee on a regular basis
  6. Post all relevant safety and health information on the workplace WSH bulletin board.

HSD Workplace Safety and Health Committee Members will:

  1. Develop and maintain an effective and comprehensive safety program
  2. Assist with the development and promotion of procedures to ensure the safety and health of all persons in the workplace
  3. Recommend the development and promotion of education, information and training programs relating to safety and health
  4. Receive reports from workplace representatives in advance of each meeting
  5. Review  health and safety  concerns reported by the workplaces
  6. Assist in inspection of workplaces and identification of safety and health concerns
  7. Recommend solutions to health and safety concerns
  8. Review reports concerning job hazards, accidents, inspection of facilities, and emergency procedures
  9. Conduct investigations when workplace accidents occur

Mission Statement

Section 7.4(5)(a) of the Workplace Safety and Health Act requires a statement of the employer’s policy with respect to protecting the safety and health of workers at the workplace.

“Hanover School Division recognizing the rights of a worker to work in a safe and healthy work environment is committed to maintain all facilities as safe and healthy places of employment and learning for all students, staff, and visitors and is prepared to work in a spirit of co-operation and consultation with their workers in developing and maintaining an effective safety program.”

In Hanover School Division:

  • All facilities will be operated in compliance with provincial health and safety regulations.
  • Prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses will be done through the promotion of safety and health consciousness and to the ongoing education of all employees with respect to relevant provincial legislation and regulations for workplace  safety and health;
  • A comprehensive workplace safety and health program will be maintained;
  • The rights, roles and responsibilities of all employees with respect to workplace safety and health will be recognized;
  • The Workplace safety and health is ‘everyone’s responsibility’ and requires all employees to contribute to a safe and healthy environment;
  • Substandard safety and health performance will not be accepted and appropriately dealt with.


It is important for all employees to be aware of the procedures to follow when an emergency occurs at a school or worksite.

The school division will ensure that all worksites have plans to deal with emergency situations which may arise. At a minimum, each worksite will have the capability to provide:

  1. First Aid facility and first aid treatment to an injured worker;
  2. Transportation to a medical facility;
  3. A means of contacting workers and outside agencies for assistance;
  4. A means of conducting an initial attack on a fire;
  5. Emergency preparedness drills;

The school or worksite supervisor will be responsible to plan and implement for any unusual hazards or tasks that employees may encounter. At a minimum, the site supervisor or school principal will ensure that all emergency preparedness information is readily available and that all staff are given a site orientation to ensure that they are aware of:

  1. The location of emergency equipment such as: first aid supplies; eye wash station; rescue equipment; and fire extinguishers;
  2. The location of a communication device and the contact numbers for contacting outside agencies for assistance;
  3. The location of SDS sheets;
  4. Emergency phone numbers, Fire, Ambulance, Utilities;
  5. The escape route and muster point.

Employer/Employee Responsibilities


  1. Will develop written emergency procedures
  2. Will post emergency plans and make written procedures available to all workers and supervisors
  3. Will ensure that employees are trained in the appropriate procedures
  4. Will ensure that all jobsites have all appropriate emergency equipment readily available
  5. Will ensure that emergency equipment will be maintained in good condition
  6. Will investigate all emergencies
  7. Shall inform all appropriate governing agencies     


  1. Shall ensure that all workers have received instruction in the requirements of the emergency response plan, including the initial fire attack. This will be achieved through new employee orientation and safety talks.
  2. Shall have a first aid trained employee attend to any injured workers.
  3. Shall contact the appropriate emergency response agency and/or provide transportation for the injured or ill to the nearest medical facility.
  4. Shall contact management to inform them of the situation.
  5. Shall have someone go to the site access point and await the arrival of the emergency response personnel and direct them to the appropriate location.
  6. Shall monitor hazardous weather conditions.

All Workers

  1. Are required to participate in and follow emergency response procedures
  2. Must respond immediately to instructions from supervisors or foreman
  3. Must report any incident, accident, naturally occurring hazard immediately to the supervisor
  4. If unable to locate the supervisor/foreman, workers must have available a communications device to contact the appropriate emergency response agency (police, fire, ambulance, etc.)

Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers

  1. Immediately notify all other personnel of the fire danger. Ensure that a fellow worker stays in communication with you and warns approaching personnel of the danger.
  2. Never turn your back to the fire and make sure that you have a retreat route should the fire suddenly get out of hand.
  3. Have a fellow worker get someone to call for emergency personnel at this time or any time you feel the situation warrants it. Have a responsible worker direct the emergency equipment to the scene.
  4. Quickly analyze the type of fire and ensure that you have the correct fire extinguisher for the fire.
  5. If it is an electrical fire, attempt to terminate the power by disconnecting the main breaker or informing the appropriate party.
  6. Locate and remove the fire extinguisher and grasp it securely. Carry the extinguisher in an upright position to the fire. Be aware of the walking area, obstacles and surface condition.
  7. Pull the pin and hold the hose or horn in one hand. Maintain control of the extinguisher and avoid exposing the contents of the extinguisher to fellow workers.
  8. Use of the extinguisher:
    • Spray the contents of the extinguisher at the base of the fire using a rapid sweeping motion
    • Maintain a safe and effective distance from the fire
    • Move away when the extinguisher empties. Never turn your back on the fire.
    • Make sure that you have a retreat route should the fire suddenly get out of hand.
  9. Promptly report the use of the extinguisher to the supervisor
  10. Tag the extinguisher out of service and have it sent for re-charging.

Chemical Spills

NOTE: Chemical spills should only be dealt with by trained staff that have a working knowledge of the spilled chemical’s hazards and the precautions that must be taken when looking after a spill.

For small spills that can be safely handled:

  1. Check the chemical’s MSDS for specific spill procedures
  2. Immediately notify all staff, students, and/or personnel in the area of the spill
  3. Wear proper PPE
  4. If the spill is flammable remove all sources of ignition
  5. Ensure that ventilation in the room is isolated from the rest of the building. Open windows and doors to the outside
  6. Remove other materials, equipment, or containers that are in the path of the spill
  7. All spilled material must be disposed of as hazardous waste.

For large spills or extremely hazardous materials where emergency assistance is necessary:

  1. Close all windows and doors and evacuate the area. If appropriate, sound the fire alarm.
  2. From a safe location, contact the fire department and inform them of the location and the substances spilled.
  3. Contact Manitoba Conservation’s emergency spill line at 1-204-944-4888.
  4. Do not re-enter the room until the fire department or other authorities have determined that it is safe.
  5. All spilled material must be disposed of as hazardous waste and will be looked after by Miller Environmental Co.

Handling Blood and Body Fluids

Based on Information provided by:

  • RHA / URIS / Public Health Nurse
  • Manitoba Health Communicable Disease Control


The following procedures/precautions should be routinely used throughout Hanover School Division to minimize the risks of transmission of communicable diseases like HIV and hepatitis.

Definition of Body Fluids

Body fluids apply to blood, drainage from scrapes and cuts, feces, urine, vomit, saliva and drainage from any orifice (i.e. nose, ears). These guidelines provide simple and effective precautions for all persons potentially exposed to the body fluids of others.

Standard Procedures

Principle 1: Direct skin contact with body fluids of others should be avoided when possible.


  1. Proper hand-washing requires the use of soap and water and vigorous washing under a stream of running water for approximately 10 seconds.  Thorough drying of hands and washing is necessary.
  2. Gloves should routinely be worn when direct contact with body fluids is anticipated; treating bloody noses, handling soiled clothes (e.g. by vomit), cleaning small spills by hand, etc.
  3. Gloves and other materials used for this purpose should be put in a plastic bag or lined trash can.  Plastic bags should be changed daily and disposed of routinely.  Double bagging can be used when grossly soiled or contaminated.
  4. Gloves should be kept in all areas of high risk, e.g. health room, maintenance areas, main office, any classroom where risk of spills is particularly high.
  5. Students should be taught to handle their own “body fluids” as appropriate (for age, state of health, etc.).  When feasible, students should dispose of their own Kleenex or paper towels that were used after they have blown their nose, controlled bleeding of their nose, or cleaned up a cut or scrape.
  6. Students should be taught good hand-washing techniques and encouraged to use them routinely – before eating, after toileting, after vomiting, etc.

Principle 2:  When direct skin contact or contamination of materials occur from unanticipated skin contact with body fluids (helping a child in the bathroom, applying pressure to a bloody nose, unexpected vomiting, etc.) proper cleaning techniques should be followed.


  1. Hands and other affected skin areas of exposed persons should routinely be washed with soap and water after contact.
  2. Clothing items that are soaked through to the skin should be removed, placed in a plastic bag and sent home for laundering.  Items laundered for school use, or in school, should be washed in a hot water cycle (71 C / 160 F) before reuse.  One cup (minimum) household bleach added to the wash is recommended if the material is colorfast; if material is not color fast, add ½ cup non-Chlorox bleach (e.g. Borateem) to the wash cycle.
  3. Contaminated disposable items (tissues, paper towels, diapers) should be handled with disposable gloves.

Principle 3:  Spilled body fluids should be removed from the environment by proper cleaning technique.


  1. Grossly contaminated environmental surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned with a freshly prepared solution containing a one to ten mixture of household bleach to water.  A germicide (e.g. Lysol) can be substituted if a bleach solution is unavailable.  Disposable gloves should be worn.  Note: Cleaning solutions may damage metal surfaces.  Therefore, all surfaces should be wiped dry after cleaning.
  2. Wastes and disposable cleaning equipment should be placed in a toilet or plastic bag appropriately.
  3. Non-disposable cleaning equipment (mop/buckets) should be thoroughly rinsed in bleach solution (as above).  The bleach solution should be disposed of promptly down drainpipe.
  4. Maintenance responsibilities should include daily cleaning with bleach/germicide as in above – all areas of high risk for contact with body fluids such as the health room, health room toilet(s), sink(s), student and staff lavatories, etc.  Plastic bags should also be changed daily and disposed of routinely; disposable gloves should be worn.
  5. Spilled body fluids on carpets should be disposed of by routine use of a moisture absorbent which is then swept/vacuumed; followed by a washing with a carpet cleaner.


An immediate level disinfectant should be used to clean surface contaminated with body fluids.  Such disinfectants will kill vegetative bacteria, fungi, tubercle bacillus and viruses.  The disinfectant should be registered for use in medical facilities and hospitals.

Various classes of disinfectants are listed below:

  1. Hypochlorite Solution (bleach): preferred for objects that may be put in the mouth.
  2. Phenolic Germicidal – detergent in a 1 percent aqueous solution e.g. Lysol
  3. Sodium hypochlorite with at least 100 PPM available chlorine (half cup household bleach in one gallon water, needing to be freshly prepared each time it is used).

Disinfection of Hard Surfaces and Care of Equipment

  1. After removing the soil, a disinfectant is applied.  Mops should be soaked in the disinfectant after use and rinsed thoroughly or washed in a hot water cycle before rinse.
  2. Disposable cleaning equipment and water should be placed in a toilet or plastic bag as appropriate.  Non-disposable cleaning equipment (dust pans, buckets) should be thoroughly rinsed in the disinfectant.  The disinfectant solution should be promptly disposed of down a drainpipe.  Remove and discard in appropriate receptacles.

Disinfection of Rugs

  1. Apply sanitary absorbent agent, let dry and vacuum.  If necessary, mechanically remove with dustpan and broom, then apply rug shampoo (a germicidal detergent) with a brush and re-vacuum.
  2. Rinse dustpan and broom in disinfectant.  If necessary, wash brush with soap and water.
  3.  Dispose of disposable cleaning equipment as noted above.
  4. Maintenance responsibilities should include daily cleaning with bleach/disinfectant of all areas of high risk for contact with body fluids such as the health room, health room toilets(s), drinking fountains, student and staff lavatories, etc.
  5. Plastic bags in wastebasket should also be changed daily and disposed of routinely.
  6.  Disposable gloves should be worn.

Principle 4:  The clothing of persons at high risk for frequently contact with body fluids should be protected.


  1. Clothing, if contaminated, should be laundered as previously described.


Workplace Inspections by Workplace Employee and Employer Representative

All inspections will be carried out during regular working hours.

  1. The workplace WSH Employee Representative and the principal or supervisor will be responsible for daily monitoring of safety and regular inspections of their workplace before each quarterly HSD WSH Committee meeting.
  2. Inspection reports will be forwarded to the Safety Program Coordinator two weeks before the meeting.  A committee consisting of the Assistant Safety Officer for Buildings and Grounds, the Assistant Safety Officer for Program and Students, the Safety Program Coordinator and the Employee Co-chair will review the inspection reports and appropriate items will be added to the agenda of the HSD WSH Committee Meeting

Full Inspections of Workplaces by the Divisional Committee on a Rotational Basis

  1. All inspections will be carried out during regular working hours.
  2. In addition to workplace inspections by the workplace representatives, the HSD WSH Committee will conduct full site inspections on a rotational basis, to be scheduled in advance of each quarterly committee meeting.  Each workplace will be fully inspected once in a two-year rotation.
  3. Principals and supervisors will be notified in advance of their full inspection date.  This will take the place of the regular workplace inspection for that quarter.
  4. Full  inspections at each workplace will be carried out by:
    1. Workplace WSH Employee Representative
    2. Workplace WSH Employer Representative (Principal or Workplace Supervisor)
    3. School Custodian (where applicable)
    4. Members of the HSD WSH Committee (Assistant Safety Officer for Buildings and Grounds / Safety Program Coordinator / Employee Rep – others on rotation)
  5. Inspections shall identify unsafe conditions, unsafe procedures or work habits, health hazards and compliance with all safety laws, regulations and procedures of both the HSD and the province.  The inspection team will use the checklist in Appendix B as a reference.
  6. The Director of Facilities will review the inspection report with the principal or workplace supervisor and will provide him\her with a reference copy.

Upon completion of a full inspection, a completed checklist will be reviewed along with regular workplace inspection reports and appropriate items will be added to the HSD WSH Committee agenda, with the minutes of the meeting identifying appropriate action to be taken, the time frame for completing that action and the person(s) responsible for taking the action.

Incident Investigation

The goal of any safety program is to identify and control hazards in the workplace before they can cause an incident.  Unfortunately we cannot safeguard everything and incidents do occur.  When an incident occurs it will be investigated and using the facts and evidence surrounding the incident corrective actions recommended and then acted upon.

Section 7.4(5)(1) of the Workplace Safety and Health Act requires a procedure for the investigation of accidents, dangerous occurrences and refusals to work under Section 43 of the Act.

Accidents and incidents are investigated:

  • To ensure the health and safety of teachers, support staff, students and visitors in our facilities.
  • To identify the cause and occurrence of the accident.
  • To provide data for making recommendations for changes to equipment and procedure.
  • To prevent further accidents or incidents and improve the HSD Safety Program.
  • To meet legislative requirements.

All accidents or near misses shall be investigated and all appropriate reports be filled out and given to appropriate supervisors. Incidents include the following:

  • Personal injury
  • Occupational illness
  • Fire/explosion
  • Property and equipment damage
  • Environmental damage
  • Near miss incidents

A serious incident must be reported immediately to WSH (204-945-3446) and the Division.

The Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, M.R. 217/2006, Part 2 General Duties, section 2.6 defines a serious incident as one:

  1. In which a worker / student is killed
  2. In which a worker / student suffers:
    • An injury resulting from electrical contact,
    • Unconsciousness as the result of a concussion,
    • A fracture of his or her skull, spine, pelvis, arm, leg, hand or foot,
    • Amputation of an arm, leg, hand, foot, finger or toe,
    • Third degree burns,
    • Permanent or temporary loss of sight,
    • A cut or laceration that requires medical treatment at a hospital,
    • Asphyxiation or poisoning; or
    • The collapse or structural failure of a building, structure, crane, hoist, lift, temporary support system or excavation,
    • An explosion, fire or flood, an uncontrolled spill or escape of a hazardous substance, or
    • The failure of an atmosphere-supplying respirator.

Who is involved in Investigating Workplace Incidents?

  • A school administrator / department supervisor – employer representative
  • The building’s WSH representative – employee representative
  • A member of the school’s crisis response team / first responder (optional)
  • A divisional WSH Committee Administration Representative

Eight Steps of an Incident Investigation

  1. Preparation
  2. Visiting the Scene
  3. Information Gathering (Interviews/Statements)
  4. Examination of Physical Evidence (Gather and record the facts/evidence)
  5. Analyzing the Evidence (Evaluate the facts and draw conclusions)
  6. Recommending Corrective Action
  7. Preparing the Report
  8. Follow-up

Incidents Investigation

  1. The first person at the scene contacts the workplace supervisor or designate immediately. Crisis team members provide first aid and contact required emergency services.
  2. The workplace supervisor contacts appropriate divisional supervisor and Safety Program Coordinator – then reports to the Workplace Safety and Health Division (Manitoba Labour and Immigration).
    • A Safety and Health Officer is on duty 24 hours each day of the week to respond to emergency calls.
    • To report a serious incident, the workplace supervisor calls 945-3446, and provides the following information:
    • The name and address of each person involved in the incident;
    • The name and address of the employer (HSD), or any other employers involved;
    • The name and address of each person who witnessed the incident;
    • The date, time and location of the incident;
    • The apparent cause of the incident and the circumstances that gave rise to it.
  3. The HSD Safety Program Coordinator and appropriate divisional supervisor determine the scope of the investigation,involving divisional co-chairs, divisional committee members, workplace representatives, department safety officers and “experts” as required.

Manitoba Regulation 217/2006, section 2.8, requires that nothing (equipment or materials) involved in a serious incident may be altered or moved, unless it is necessary to free and injured or trapped person or to avoid creating additional hazards.  Where possible, pictures are to be taken of the area.

The following serious incidents are to be reported:

  • When electrical contact results in a worker(s) being transported to hospital.
  • When burns result in a worker(s) being transported to hospital.
  • When a fire or flood results in a worker(s) injury.
  • When failure of an atmosphere-supplying respirator results in a worker(s) injury.

The following incidents are not required to be reported to WSH, but are required to be reported to the office and appropriately documented:

  • When a student is violent towards another student(s).
  • When a student is violent towards an instructor(s) or other school staff.
  • When there is an injury from playground equipment.
  • When there is an injury/injuries in a gymnasium or other recreational activities (sports).
  • When there is a slip and fall injury outside the school.

The HSD Safety Program Coordinator completes an injury/incident report in consultation with those involved in the investigation.  This report is submitted to the HSD WSH Committee for review and recommendations.  A report may also be made to the Department of Labour, WSH Division or included in the minutes of the HSD WSH Committee Meeting and forwarded to the WSH Division.

Remedial Action will be taken as soon as possible to repair or replace faulty equipment or modify procedure to ensure the accident/incident won’t happen again. The HSD WSH Committee will consider education and training in appropriate areas to address concerns coming out of the report.

Incident Investigation Summary Report

  1. The school administrator / worksite supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all incidents are investigated and reported.
  2. The school administrator is responsible for reporting all minor and serious incidents to the appropriate contacts:
    • Minor Incident – HED Insurance
    • Serious Incident – Workplace Safety and Health
  3. The school administrator, Workplace Safety and Health representative, and designated committee members, will conduct the incident investigation.
  4. The incident Investigation Summary Report will be completed and kept on file in the office.  A copy of all incidents reported will be sent to the HSD Safety Program Coordinator.  The following information will be included on the report:
    • Date and Time of Incident
    • Investigating Committee Members
    • Particulars
      1. Injured person’s general information
      2. Location of incident
      3. Supervisor
      4. First Aid / Emergency Assistance
    • Description of incident
      1. Evidence
      2. Sketch of incident scene
      3. Physical evidence
      4. Photo evidence
      5. Persons with information – statement summary
    • Incident Causation
    • Direct cause
      1. Indirect causes
    • Corrective Action
      1. Immediate corrective actions to prevent recurrence
      2. Target date for corrective action
      3. Long term solutions
    • Signatures

Reporting Procedures

Definition of a Safety or Health Concern: A safety or health concern exists when a condition or hazard in a workplace or on divisional property may potentially endanger employees, students, sub-contractors or visitors to that site.  A safety or health concern also exists when the equipment, tools or procedures utilized at a worksite / school may potential endanger employees, students, sub-contractors or visitors to that site.

Procedures for Reporting an Incident (Near Miss or Actual Accident)

  1. The school administrator / department supervisor is contacted once an incident/accident has occurred.
  2. Area with the incident occurred is safeguarded and closed off to any access/disturbance.
  3. An incident investigation is then conducted.
  4. In the event of a serious incident that requires an emergency medical response / hospitalization then the HSD Incident Investigation Team will be contacted to assist with the on-site investigation.  WSH will be contacted and the details of the incident/accident provided.
  5. If the incident does not require contacting WSH, then an on-site internal investigation team (principal, safety rep, custodian) will conduct the investigation.  The division WSH officer must still be contacted and will provide guidance and assistance as required.
  6. An HSD Incident Report will be completed and submitted to the WSH officer.

The WSH Committee will review each report and designate committee members and/or the WHS officer, to follow-up to ensure that all recommendations pertaining to preventing further incidents of this nature will be carried out.  A timeline for compliance will be established and then carried out. 

Procedures for Reporting a Workplace Injury

  1. Any employee who sustains an injury that is WSH related must complete the divisional form titled: Reporting a Workplace Injury. The form is to be completed and given to the principal / supervisor.  Copies will be made and distributed to:  the Workplace Supervisor – original; the Employee, the Workplace Employee Representative, and the HSD Safety Program Coordinator.
  2. All employee groups with the exception of teachers, must also complete a Worker’s Compensation Board Incident Claim form.  The form is submitted to the Human Resources Department who will then process the claim.

Hazards & Concerns

It is the responsibility of all Hanover School Divisions staff members to identify all potential hazards in the workplace, classroom, or as part of any educational activity. During the lesson planning process or a toolbox meeting, staff will identify all potential hazards, assess the risk of any activity or job, and prior to starting the job, lesson, activity, have a Safe Work Procedure in place.

In accordance with (Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act, W210, Section 7.4(5)(b) and Safe Work – Job Hazard Analysis and Safe Work procedures have been developed as follows.

Each vocational shop, lab, kitchen, are responsible for developing and maintaining an up-to-date Safe Work Procedures Handbook for their designated vocational area, that will consider the tasks, equipment, and materials in their areas. Handbook information will include the identification of known and potential dangers to students / workers, safety hazards and health hazards such as: chemical, biological, and physical agents.

A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) will be been done for each related activity / procedure that could potentially be hazardous to staff, students, or visitors.

Teachers or workers needing to develop a Safe Work Procedure (SWP) may consult and collaborate with the divisional WSH consultant to create the SWP.

Step 1: Assess the Risk

  • Is there a potential risk of an injury?
  • Is there a risk of permanent, temporary, or minor disability?
  • How often and for how long are workers exposed to the hazard?
  • Is there a past history / record associated the activity that has an identified hazard or potential hazard.

Step 2: Identify Steps to Reduce / Eliminate any Potential Risk(s)

  • Reduce / Eliminate hazards by posting a SafeWork Procedure by equipment, materials or work processes at the source. A SafeWork Procedure may:
    • Redesign the work process;
    • Substituting a safer chemical for a hazardous chemical;
    • Upgrading the equipment being used.
  • If it is not reasonable and practical to eliminate hazards, engineering or other controls such as: machine guards and noise enclosures will be used.
  • Personal protective equipment is mandatory when dealing with the hazard and identified in the SWP.
  • Specific training for dealing with the hazard and supervision will be in place.
  • Instructors/supervisors responsible for risk assessment and control (job hazard analysis) and will be prepared to explain to workers, management, and a safety health officer, the extent of the risk associated with a hazard and the effectiveness of the chosen controls.

Step 3: Inform and Communicate any Potential Risk / Hazard – Information and Education Process

  • A job hazard analysis and Safe Work Procedure will be in place for all identified and potential hazards.
  • Instructors will make sure that anyone at risk or anyone responsible for ensuring the safety of others is familiar with the JHA/Safe Work Procedures and understands the risks and how they can be controlled.
  • Implementing and following safe work procedures is a condition of employment. Employees who fail to comply with safe work procedures are subject to progressive discipline, up to and including termination.
  • Supervisors / School Administrators are responsible and accountable for ensuring that all employees understand and use safe work procedures.
  • A review of all SafeWork Procedures will be done by the staff member(s) prior to completing the assigned job or planned lesson. New workers and workers transferring to a new position and will be provided with an orientation session. Employees will receive training on the safe use of all new equipment purchased.
  • All contracted employer(s) or self-employed person(s) are required to follow and implement safe work procedures and educate their workers. Failure to comply with safe work procedures could result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

All worksites will have procedures and resources in place to address the following situations:

  • Fire
  • Pipeline breaks
  • Safety device failures
  • Leaks
  • Release of hazardous agents
  • Medical Emergency / Injury

Contracted Employer

The Contracted Employer shall act as the Prime Contractor as defined in The Workplace Safety and Health Act.  The Contractor shall:

  1. Take reasonable precautions to ensure everyone working on the project complies with legal safety and health requirements.
  2. Establish a project safety and health committee if 20 or more workers are expected to last more than 50 days, and
  3. Coordinate the safety and health programs of employers contracted to work on the project.
    The Contracted Employer shall have a company safety program.  Submit written current status with the Manitoba Building Contractors Safety Certification Program, or submit a copy of Company Safety Policy Manual.
  4. Provide copies of any outstanding improvement orders with Workplace Safety and Health, and explain.
  5. Provide duplicate copies of MSDS sheets for all products utilized in the work.  Maintain one set of copies on the construction site, and turn over the other set to the Owner.
  6. Carry out safety meetings in accordance with The Workplace Safety and Health Act.

Contractor’s Terms and Conditions Governing Work at Hanover School Division

  • Prime Contractor (The Hanover School Division Maintenance Supervisor or his designate.)
  • Contractor (Any person or firm engaged by contract or purchase order to perform a job or provide a service for Hanover School Division.)
  • Contractor Personnel (The employees and/or subcontractors engaged by the contractor in the performance of his/her work.)
  • Site Supervisor (The employee of Hanover School Division designated to supervise the job for which the contractor has been engaged, to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations OR The employee designated by a contractor and accepted by Hanover School Division who supervises the job for which the contractor has been engaged, to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.)

General Contractor

This document provides information regarding the terms and conditions for Contractors working on Hanover School Division premises. This document, when signed becomes part of the general terms and conditions of the contract issued by the Hanover School Division to the contractor. It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to ensure that all Contractor personnel are aware of this document and comply with all the terms therein. Failure to comply may be considered a fundamental breach of contract that may result in, but is not limited to, expulsion from the premises and may be cause for exclusion from any further bidding considerations.

Conditions of Entry and Work

  1. The Contractor will provide the Hanover School Division maintenance department with the names of all contractor personnel engaged in the project. This should be done at least 48 hours prior to commencing work on the property.
  2. The site Supervisor will arrange a Material and Equipment Storage Area if necessary, and will advise contractor personnel of general precautions and special requirements. If work that is to be carried over from one shift to another, materials and tools must be stored in a designated area and that area will be kept clean and tidy and free from hazardous conditions.
  3. Controlled or restricted materials are not permitted on the property without the permission of the Hanover School Prime Contractor. All WHMIS controlled materials entering the Hanover School Division property must be clearly identified in accordance with WHMIS regulations and must have Material Safety Data Sheets available.
  4. The contractor shall not dispose or permit to be disposed any hazardous material except in accordance with the regulations of the Province of Manitoba by-laws.  The contractor must remove all hazardous and non-hazardous materials.
  5. Contractor personnel will comply with all provisions of the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act chapter W210 of the statutes of Manitoba and all the regulations thereof, including but not limited to the wearing of personal protective equipment, proper use of confined space procedures, application of electrical lockout procedures and the use of fall restraint devices when working in high places.
  6. The contractor will provide adequate fire protection for all equipment and welding operations, trained fire watchers equipped with all necessary fire extinguishing equipment are required during all welding operations. Contractor personnel are to familiarize themselves with emergency egress routes and must notify the Hanover School Division site supervisor if an evacuation situation occurs.
  7. The contractor will adequately protect the work, Hanover School Division property, and the property of other contractors. The Hanover School Division assumes no liability for the loss or theft of the contractor’s tools and equipment while on Hanover School Division premises.
  8. All incidents, such as accidents or near misses involving contractor personnel must be immediately reported to the site supervisor, who will take the appropriate action.
  9. All building permits, licenses, or other legislated requirements for the approval, construction, and inspection of a project are the sole responsibility of the Prime Contractor or his/her designee unless otherwise stated in the contract agreement.

Reporting Concerns

A health or safety concern exists when a condition or hazard in a workplace or on divisional property may potentially endanger employees, students or visitors to that site.  A health or safety concern also exists when the equipment, tools or procedures utilized at a worksite may potentially endanger employees, students or visitors to that site.

Any employee with a safety or health concern in the workplace should follow the procedures outlined below:

Step 1 

When a concern arises in a workplace, the employee with the concern should report it without delay to the principal or their supervisor.  A concern may be reported verbally or in writing.

Step 2

Allow the principal or supervisor to investigate the concern and implement appropriate remedies where required.

Step 3

If the concern/ issue is not resolved by the principal or supervisor, the employee may complete a WSH Concern Form available on each worksite’s WSH bulletin board and then forward it to the workplace WSH Employee Representative.  A copy of the form should also be given to the principal or supervisor.

Step 4

Allow the WSH Employee Representative and the principal or supervisor to further investigate the concern and find a satisfactory resolution.

Step 5

Concerns of a critical or urgent nature will be dealt with in an accelerated manner, as appropriate and feasible.

Step 6

Only if no satisfactory solution can be found in the workplace, the WSH Employee Representative will forward the WSH Concern Form to the Employee Co-chair of the HSD WSH Committee, who may ask that this item be added to the agenda of the next HSD WSH Committee Meeting. If the concern is of a critical or urgent nature, it will be dealt with in an accelerated manner, as appropriate and feasible.

Step 7

Concerns that are not resolved at the divisional WSH Committee level may be reported to the provincial WSH Department by the employee.

Control of Chemicals and Bio Hazards

In accordance with Section 7.4(5)(b) of The Workplace Safety and Health Act requires employers to have a system to identify and control hazards.

In Hanover School Division the control system has a process in place to:

  • Through a comprehensive housekeeping and inspection schedules, teachers / instructors who are in charge of a class are responsible for pre and post – inspections of their  shop, kitchen, or all, to look for known and potential dangers to workers, and enable workers to bring forward concerns about hazards;
  • A complete Job Hazard Analysis of all potential hazards that may occur in the shop or worksite areas (shops, labs, construction sites, etc.) is done and a corresponding Safe Work Procedure developed for each job to eliminate or control the hazard(s).

These measures may include redesigning a work process, substituting a safe chemical for a hazardous one, buying new equipment, or using other controls such as machine guards and noise enclosures, etc. All schools with vocational shops and science labs will develop and maintain up-to-date, safety procedures manual for each area.

Managing Hazardous/Chemical Materials

Activities within the Hanover School Division include the use, storage, and disposal of chemicals. These guidelines are designed to identify, eliminate and/or control chemical hazards.  These guidelines and procedures apply to all divisional staff that may be required to handle hazardous chemicals.

Terms of Reference

J.H.A. – Job Hazard Analysis
M.S.D.S. – Materials Safety Data Sheet
P.P.E. – Personal Protective Equipment
W.H.M.I.S. – Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Management

Use, Storage and the Safe Disposal of Chemicals

All staff that use, store, or dispose of chemicals must be trained in W.H.M.I.S. and must follow all M.S.D.S. requirements.

Instructions provided on MSDS must be followed including the proper storage of chemicals, the use of controls such as PPE, fume hoods and other engineering controls and disposal instructions.

Handling Chemicals

All division facilities must maintain an up-to-date inventory of chemicals using the division database. Each chemical recorded on that inventory will be provided with an MSDS using the on-line MSDS retrieval system. Staffs that have access to the on-line MSDS database must be trained to use the system and must have access to a computer terminal. Staffs that do not have computer access are able to use the MSDS binders that are located in the general office of each facility.
The WellNet Master Book is the main book in our electronic MSDS management system and contains all of HSD’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) information.  We are required by law to maintain an updated inventory of all chemicals used within the division along with current MSDS information on each chemical. Chemicals without a MSDS information sheet are not to be used in HSD.

After the purchase and delivery of new chemicals to a school, schools are required to provide Central Office with the following information, which will be entered into the WellNet system.

  • Manufacturer’s Name
  • Supplier
  • Product Name
  • Product Code
  • MSDS Number (please include a copy of the MSDS sheet provided by the manufacturer with each request)
  • Document Type (see Appendix A)

Procedures for Purchasing Chemicals

  • Purchase the chemical.
  • Complete a HSD – MSDS Request Form (see Appendix B) for each new chemical purchased.
  • Attach a copy of the MSDS sheet provided by the manufacturer to the request form.
  • Submit all information to the Safety Officer who will then update the HSD Master Book.
  • Add the new chemical information to the school’s chemical inventory list – please use red font color to indicate a new chemical purchase.

Annual Inventory Report / Safe Removal of Chemicals

  • In May of each school year, an electronic copy of each school’s chemical inventory (science / vocational labs) will be sent out to each school.
  • Schools are required to review the inventory list and mark / identify any chemicals that they would like to have discarded and removed from their MSDS book.
  • School inventories are to be re-submitted to the Safety Officer by June 15th of that school year.
  • Miller Environmental Corporation will be contacted and provided with the list of chemicals to be discarded.
  • Schools are asked to make sure all chemicals that have been identified for disposal are clearly marked “DISCARD” and are stored in container sizes of 1 litre or less.
  • Information as to where the chemicals for discard are stored is to be provided / left with the custodian who will make the information available during the summer to Miller Environmental Corporation.


  • All staff and students, including sub trades and visitors shall wear all required personal protective equipment (PPE) when in any technical education labs/shops, science labs, and any worksite requiring the use of PPE.
  • In situations where there is a risk of a head injury, hard hats are required to be worn.  These areas included but are not restricted to: areas with limited head-room, or where there is a hazard to the head from falling, flying or propelled objects or lateral impact.
  • The school division not only encourages but also considers it a condition of employment that each employee, at every level, uses C.S.A. approved general and job specific personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure every possible means is taken to do his/her job safely. This would also include all planned student lessons and/or activities where PPE is required to keep students safe.
  • It is the responsibility of the individual user to procure the proper PPE before starting a task. If the required PPE is not available the employee must notify their supervisor.  Same procedures for students participating in a lesson, activity, or project requiring the use of PPE.
  • It is the responsibility of the individual user to assure the protective equipment to be used is in good condition and if not to have it replaced or repaired.
  • Failure to comply with PPE policy guidelines may result in progressive disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal (employees) or suspension (students).
  • The wearing of Personal Protective Equipment shall be governed by the following requirements:
    1. as indicated on MSDS
    2. as required by the Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations, and,
    3. as required by Safe Work Procedures specific work situations:
    4. Auto Body: Eye Protection, Hearing Protection and Protective clothing (coveralls)
    5. Power Mechanics: Eye Protection, Protective clothing (coveralls) , hearing protection as required
    6. Welding& Metal Fabrication: Eye Protection, Hearing Protection, Protective Clothing (coveralls), Hand Protection (Welding gloves), and Protective Footwear
    7. Building Construction: Eye Protection, Hearing Protection, Respiratory Protective Equipment when required, Protective Footwear when required and Head Protection
    8. Electrical: Eye Protection
    9. Science: No open toed shoes and Eye Protection as needed
    10. Culinary Arts: Protective Hair nets
    11. Esthetics: Protective clothing such as Full body smocks, Closed Toed footwear and dust masks as required
    12. Hairstyling: Smock, closed toed shoes and Protective Hand wear when necessary
    13. Food and Nutrition:  Hair Nets
  • Items always to be kept on hand:
    1. Eye protection (goggles, glasses, shields)
    2. Hearing protection (ear plugs, ear muffs)
    3. Dust masks
    4. Gloves that are job specific (leather, rubber, insulated)
  • Other job/task specific PPE to be obtained prior to commencing tasks:
    1. Harnesses and lanyards
    2. Respirators
    3. Specialized protective clothing

Safe Work Practices

It is the policy of the Hanover School Division to develop and maintain a system of Safe Work Practices for all jobs performed while ensuring that new types of jobs performed are fully examined to ensure the highest level of safety.  This includes all planned school lessons and activities.  The divisional safety consultant, in cooperation with the divisional administration and the divisional WSH Committee shall develop and review all Safe Work Practices and Safe Job Procedures.

Safe work practices are ways of controlling hazards and performing jobs with a minimum risk to people and property. Safe work practices for jobs or lessons performed by any employee of the school division shall be in place and easily accessible.  All employees must be familiar with these and supervisors must ensure that they are complied with.  Teachers planning student activities that involve chemicals, mechanical devices such as saws, drills, planners, etc. must have a safe work procedure in place prior to the activity.  Safe work procedures should be embed into all teacher lesson plans where there is a potential for injury.

Safety and loss control are prime factors in planning any job and/or lesson.  Potential incidents may be identified and eliminated  (reduced) during the planning process.  A Job Hazard Analysis shall be conducted for each step of completing a job / lesson to assist with the identification and elimination of potential incidents.

A Job Hazard Analysis may result in identifying the need for additional employee / student training, the evaluation of existing safety procedures for adequacy and the identification of any new procedures or safety requirements.  As job procedures are established and analyzed, written procedures will be incorporated into the divisional safety manual.

Hanover School Division is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, as well as, all areas where there is student / work activity.  Staffs are responsible for identifying and putting controls in place to reduce / eliminate any potential hazard that may cause or contribute to a workplace incident, injuries, or illnesses. One of the most effective ways to help reduce the risk of injury is to have in place guidelines for effective instructor supervision.

Effective Instructor Supervision

Instructors are responsible for the health and safety of all of their students at all times which will require effective supervision on the part of the instructor.

Some of the duties and responsibilities of an instructor to achieve effective supervision of a class include:

  1. Conducting site inspections in order to be aware of any hazards that may exist and to correct these hazards as soon as possible.  An example would be housekeeping concerns
  2. Ensuring that the proper PPE is available and that the students have been instructed in its use
  3. Ensuring that all machine guards are in place and that if any are missing that the equipment is “tagged out” of service
  4. Ensuring that noise controls are being properly addressed through the use of administrative or engineering controls or the use of proper PPE
  5. Ensuring that all MSDS are current and readily available
  6. Ensuring that any unsafe conditions or acts are corrected on a timely basis
  7. Ensuring that Safe Jo Procedures are available for the work being undertaken
  8. Enforcing all violations of the safety rules

Also, the instructor must properly supervise each student to ensure that they are carrying out the class activities as required. An Instructor is to be within close proximity to any students conducting low risk activities. Close proximity refers to within the instructional program area where students can still be monitored. This would preclude instructors from attempting to supervise from their office area as they would not be able to see all activities taking place in the instructional area.

In order to support the maintenance of a safe and healthy workplace, all departments, shops, and labs, will develop a Critical Job Inventory, which reviews all jobs and procedures conducted by workers and/or students, and then conduct a job hazard analysis which may require the development of Safe Work Procedures for those critical jobs/procedures.

In accordance with MR 217/2006 – specifically part 2 of the WSH Regulations, Hanover School Division will:

  1. Develop and implement safe work procedures for the work that is done at the workplace and in specialty classrooms (vocational labs, science labs, etc.).
  2. Train workers in the safe work procedures; and
  3. School principals / divisional supervisors will ensure that workers comply with those safe work procedures.

The Three Step Hazard Recognition and Control Process Used In Hanover School Division

Step 1: Recognition = Spot the Hazard

  1. What is the hazard? “A condition or situation that exists within the working environment capable of causing an unwanted release of energy resulting in physical harm, property damage, or both.”
  2. What are the different types of hazards?
    • Safety Hazards – falls, pinch points, sharp points, and sharp edges, moving machinery, dropping items, pressure systems, fire and explosion.
    • Health Hazards
      • Chemical Hazards such as battery acid and solvents.
      • Biological Hazards such as bacteria, viruses, dusts, and moulds.  Biological hazards are often called ‘biohazards’.
      • Physical Agents (energy) strong enough to cause harm, such as electrical currents, heat, noise, light, and radiation.
      • Risks for Musculoskeletal Injuries such as vibration, repetitive movements, awkward or sustained postures due to workstation design, and forceful exertions such as pushing, pulling, and lifting.
      • Psycho-Social Hazards such as harassment and violence situations, time constraints, and shift work.
  3. How do you find hazards?
    • Proactive resources include regulations, codes of practice, standards, guidelines, MSDS and consultation with workers.
    • Reactive resources include incident statistics and trend analysis, first aid records, education, experience, and consultation with workers.

Step 2: Evaluation = Assess the Risk   (Risk = S x F x P)

How do you prioritize which hazards you are going to deal with first?

  1. Severity – how seriously a worker may be harmed, or property may be damaged or lost if exposed to the hazard.
  2. Frequency – how often a worker is exposed to a hazard.
  3. Probability – how likely it is that an injury or illness will occur if exposed to the hazard.

What is the risk of being exposed to this hazard? The following Risk Assessment Model is used in HSD:

Severity Probability
I Fatality or permanent total disability A Likely to occur immediately
II Lost time injury B Probable in time
III Reportable injury, no lost time C Possible in time
IV Minor medical treatment D Remotely possible
Hazard Probability
A B C D Rating 1 is CRITICAL
I Rating 2 is SERIOUS
II Rating 3 is MODERATE
Iii Rating 4 is MINOR


Step 3: Control = Find a safer way; Everyday

How do you eliminate or control the hazard? When dealing with the control of hazards, research into the following areas will take place:

  • Regulations (WSH Regulations)
  • Standards (CSA, ANSI, Best Practices)
  • Best Practices (Guidelines, Industry Associations)
  • Other Publications (Manufacturer Documentation, Internet Research, Safe Work Procedures)

Recognizing Types of Hazard Control Choices

  • At the source (Elimination, Substitution, Redesign, Isolation, Automation)
  • Along the Path (Relocation, Barriers, Absorption, Dilution)
  • At the Worker’s Level (Administrative Controls, Orientation, Training and Supervision, Work Procedures, Emergency Planning, Housekeeping, Hygiene Practices, PPE)

Safe Work Procedures

  • Safe Work Procedures are developed by SUMMARIZING the IMPORTANT INFORMATION that has been identified while conduction a Job Hazard Analysis.
  • Some SWP’s will be more comprehensive than others based on the hazards associated with the job.
  • SWP’s may include: scope, qualifications of operators, or materials required
  • SWP’s must:
    • Use positive language
    • Summarize the information gather in the JHA
    • Identify the specific job that the procedure applies to
    • Identify who wrote and/or approved the SWP
    • Identify the original date it was produced and the latest revision date
    • Identify specific hazards you may encounter while performing this job
    • Identify Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) or devices required to perform this job safely
    • Identity any special equipment or controls that are required (lockouts, emergency stops, etc)
    • Describe the step-by-step procedures to perform the task safely
    • Refer to or describe the steps to follow in an emergency or during an equipment malfunction
    • Refer to guidance documents, standards or legislation that applies to the specific task

 Approval of Safe Work Procedures

  • Each course instructor will complete the following steps in terms of preparing documents for approval from HSD WSH Committee:
    • Critical Job Inventory
    • Job Hazard Analysis
    • Safe Work Procedure
  • Instructors may use the following resources for gathering critical information for all SWP’s.  WSH regulations; standards – CSA, ANSI; best practices; and manufacturer documents.
  • The instructor will then share the JHA/SWP’s with a “critical” friend for review.
  • The JHA will be submitted to the school administrator / shop supervisor for review.
  • The school administrator / shop supervisor will then submit the SWP’s to WSH Officer, who will then take them to the WSH Committee for review and approval.
  • Committee will meet and approve SWP’s quarterly.

Process to Approve Safe Work Procedures

  • SWP is developed by the staff member in consultation with the Divisional WSH Consultant.
  • Copy of SWP sent to Administration Office for review.
  • SWP’s presented to the divisional WSH committee for final approval.

Analyzing Jobs to Develop Safe Work Procedures (SWP)

The process to conduct a hazard assessment will include the following three steps:

  • Develop a Critical Job Inventory and assess the risk associated with those jobs.
  • Conduct a Job Hazard Analysis of each of the jobs in the Critical Job Inventory.
  • Develop Safe Work Procedures (step-by-step description on how to proceed safely from start to finish) using the Job Hazard Analyses that have be completed.

Developing a Critical Job Inventory (CJI)

All HSD staff will review the jobs in their workplace and prioritize them using the following three steps:

  • Develop a system of identifying critical jobs
    • Review specific tasks / list the jobs or tasks involved
    • Review the equipment used in the workplace / classroom / lab / shop
    • Review statistics on file (first aid records, incident reports, etc)
    • Review all new jobs, unknown jobs, or infrequently performed jobs.
  • Evaluate the critical jobs and determine the degree of risk – considering the following factors:
    • Severity
    • Probability
    • Frequency
  • Create the Critical Job Inventory that will be used to develop Job Hazard Analyses and Safe Work Procedures.  The following will be included in a CJI:
    • Date that the CJI was done.
    • Department job is conducted / manager/supervisors involved in the area/dept.
    • Teacher/Occupation that conducts the job.
    • List of jobs/tasks along with the potential loss or injury that may be encountered when conducting these tasks.
    • Critical rating or priority rating

Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

When a Job Hazard Analysis is done, the following three steps will be followed:

  • Break the job down into its basic steps.
  • Identify the hazards that are present in each of the steps (safety and health hazards).
  • Recommend controls for all hazards that have been identified.


Hanover School Division will provide and employees will participate in all safety and related training that is necessary to minimize loss to human and physical resources of the division, its’ suppliers and the public.

This training will include but is not limited to:

  • New hire safety orientations
  • Job-specific training
  • Safety training for supervisors and management
  • Task specific training
  • Specialized safety and related training

Divisional Orientation

Upon commencing employment, prior to the assignment of any task, new employees will receive a safety orientation by a member of divisional administration (or designate).

Employee Safety Training

Supervisors will provide training in job operations and responsibilities, proper procedures to be used, and special training for non-routine tasks.

Divisional Committee and the SRSS Sub Committee Training

The Hanover School Division will provide WSH Committee members and Workplace Representatives (including the SRSS WSH Sub-Committee members) with a minimum of two days of training related to workplace safety and health.

The Assistant Superintendent will approve written requests for workplace safety and health training from committee members or workplace representatives.

All school administrators will receive the following (but not restricted to) annual training and upgrading for:

  • WHMIS – Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
  • MSDS – WellNet Online Data System Overview / Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Workplace Inspections
  • Safety Training for Supervisors

All members of the divisional WHS Committee will receive up to, but not restricted to, two days of training and upgrading each year.

Toolbox Talks

Tool box talks will be held on a regular basis, at minimum, once per month. On jobs with more than five employees, they will be held on a weekly basis with no meeting lasting less than 15 minutes.

Topics will be relevant to the job and job conditions with active employee participation. This is a format for all employees to express their safety concerns.

Job Specific Training

Training specific to a job or task will be conducted as required, with particular attention to new equipment and procedures. Training will be conducted by the supervisor, or qualified person, and shall include a written or performance test.  A record of all written or performance tests will be kept on file.

Specialized Training

Specialized training may be required from time to time for special areas of operations or to meet specific requirements for unique tasks. This may include specific equipment and procedures for personnel working with, or exposed to, toxic or corrosive chemicals. Examples of such training would include: WHMIS, Confined Space and Working Alone.

On-the-Job Training

Employee on-the-job training will be conducted by supervisors or a designate and will include:

  • Hanover School Division Safety Program
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Job Hazard Analysis
  • Emergency treatment of injuries
  • Procedures for reporting an emergency (fire, spill, or accident)