Board of Trustees Approve 2025-26 Budget

The Hanover School Division Board of Trustees has approved the 2025-26 budget, which includes $136.6 million in combined operating and capital expenditures, reflecting a year-over-year increase of 5.87%. Provincial funding for the 2025-26 school year will increase 2.2% over the previous year. The 2025-26 budget prioritizes enrollment growth, estimated to be 132.5 (FTE) students, along with…

in: Board of Trustees News Releases

Board of Trustees Appoint Principal for Parkhill School

The Hanover School Division Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Kimberley Koop as Principal of Parkhill School. Scheduled to open in September 2025, the new school will provide space for 500 Gr. K-4 students. Kimberley brings over 25 years of administrative and teaching experience to her new role. She has been the Principal of Landmark Elementary School since…

in: Board of Trustees Hiring Announcements

Trustees Appoint Chair and Vice-Chair

The HSD Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that Jeff Friesen will serve as Board Chair and Dallas Wiebe as Board Vice-Chair for the 2024-25 school year. Voted on by their fellow trustees, these appointments are for a one-year term.  Jeff has been a member of the Board for two years, having been first elected as a …

in: Board of Trustees

Advisor to the Board

The Board of Trustees welcomes Kelly Barkman to the Hanover School Division. Kelly has been appointed by the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning to serve in an advisory role to the Board, with funding provided by the Province. Kelly brings a wealth of…

in: Announcements Board of Trustees

Response to Parent Alliance for Diversity

The Board of Trustees has reviewed the letter sent by the Parent Alliance for Diversity to the Department of Education. Additionally, we have had the opportunity to engage in a productive conversation with the Minister of Education, the Honourable Nello Altomare. Hanover School Division will continue to fully adhere to…

in: Board of Trustees

News Release

April 9, 2024, Steinbach, MB. – The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Thiessen as Superintendent-CEO of the Hanover School Division, effective August 1, 2024. Joe brings significant leadership experience to his new role, having held administrative and teaching positions in the Hanover School Division for the past 28 years.… Read More

in: Announcements Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees Approve 2024-25 School Year Budget

The Hanover School Division Board of Trustees has approved the 2024-25 school year budget. The new budget allocates $119.8 million to enhance student education and aims to reinstate some of the staffing and services that were reduced in previous years. With enrollment projected to increase by 5% (approx. 398 students), the budget corresponds with…

in: Board of Trustees News Releases

Executive Search

The Hanover School Division Board of Trustees invite applications for the position of Superintendent/CEO of Schools. Duties are scheduled to commence effective August 1, 2024 or as mutually agreed. View job description and application details on the…

in: Board of Trustees Hiring Announcements

Four-Classroom Addition for Mitchell Middle School

Construction has begun on an addition to Mitchell Middle School in Hanover School Division, Consumer Protection and Government Services Minister James Teitsma and Education and Early Childhood Learning Minister Wayne Ewasko announced today. The Manitoba government is proud to support capital projects that have a positive impact on …

in: Announcements Board of Trustees